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Dates: 01/12 2017

Total Duration: 3h

Friday, 13:30am - 16:45pm



Designers come up with ideas by talking to all the stakeholders of a project. But these conversations are not easy bar chit-chat. To properly conduct an interview, one needs to practice a hundred times according to Stephane Safin, ergonomist and psychologist. The best interviews have to give you a Feeling of the Other.

For our project with Alexandra, we taught the students how to identify, prepare, and conduct an interview following 4 main research questions:

Values: When did she start this adventure? What triggered her decision?

Relations: Is she alone, How does she meet people?

Actions: What is her everyday life like? How does she organizes herself?

Perception: What are the parts that she like most in her environment? Why?

photography by artiste Isabelle Grosse

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