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Dates: 15/04 - 19/09

Total Duration: 48h

Wednesdays, from 08.00pm - 10:00pm


A Feeling of Self: to be an Author

Engineers are great problems solvers but being a designer means finding innovative ways to relate to the world, others, and oneself.


Non designers need to believe in

their identity as authors.


How do they want to express themselves? what are the values that they want to fight for?


It is a turning point in design learning. They need to switch from listening to others, to listening to oneself: memories, experiences, feelings, modes of expression.

How? While discussing the project, the tutors encourage the students to express their own feelings and intuitions.

Example: a student mentioned la Trinity sur Mer where sailing boats are stowed and information is displayed to explain what the boats are and what they did. The tutor pointed this out. The group suddenly realized that they should build such jetties for mobiles homes. Thus there would be a place where this mode of living could be explained. This would fight the idea that people on the road are parasites.

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